How Interns Benefit Your Business

Intern Benefits For Your Business

When looking for potential employees, look toward intern benefits.
Many college students think twice about spending a few bucks on pizza. However, they won’t think twice about taking up an internship in their dream field. One study shows that “graduates who complete three or more internships are more likely to secure full-time employment, with 81.1 percent of graduates reporting that the internships helped them shift their career directions.”
Businesses considering internships should look at interns beyond getting coffee and filing documents. “At our agency, we believe internships should be a win-win relationship – allowing them to showcase their education, talents and experience, present ideas, work alongside with our team executives play and see the results of their efforts,” Sharon Patterson, president of Into the Blue Agency, said. “We teach equally as much as they contribute.”
Interns are invaluable to each and every industry. Although they may not be as seasoned, they are eager to learn. Additionally, intern benefits include bringing a fresh perspective and new methods to the table.

Here’s eight skills Into the Blue interns are learning about today:

-Managing around new algorithms with SEO techniques
-Utilizing web platforms like WordPress and other social media sites for digital marketing
-Developing and launching new websites and apps
-Editing photos and videos on Photoshop and Lightroom
-Using social media to promote companies, campaigns, and products
-Blogging informative content while meeting SEO guidelines
-Organizing special events and projects to help with marketing outside the digital world
-Learning from social media’s most prominent influencers
-Adopting today’s best practices in web and app development

It is important to embrace intern benefits and understand the mindset and lifestyle of other millennials.

For today’s business, millennials represent a completely unique and invaluable population with tremendous buying power.  Not similarly to previous generations, millennials aren’t afraid to exercise their opinions on products or services. Additionally, they rely little on TV and print, opting for alternative means for information. Finally, their purchases are influenced by more organic, less structured means… i.e. reality, user generated content and by respected influencers.
Here are a few reasons to embrace intern benefits:

Interns are tech savvy

While millennials are constantly given flak about their attachment to technology,  it undoubtedly comes handy in the workplace. Interns know computers and social media like the back of their hands. Because of that, they apply those skills to work without ease. Just as they adapt to the newest iPhone that just came out – they grew up on innovation and constant evolution, therefore they easily adapt to each and every change in the industry.

Interns offer updated knowledge

In a small office, having the same people around can lead to roadblocks. Interns break the monotony and pave the way for new trains of thought. College interns are bombarded with voices of professors all across the spectrum of their field and borrow “gems of knowledge” to employ in the workplace. It’s pretty convenient having someone around the office who just came back from a lecture from a former New York Times reporter or a Google corporate manager.

Interns can lead to employees

Why spend weeks sitting through repetitive interviews when you have hands-on talent at your fingertips to train and mold into the ideal talent for your team. As interns get settled within their cubicle, they’re able to put their talents to work and contribute to the company’s growth and culture. Watching someone grow through their work over time is a much greater measurement of how they’ll be as an employee as opposed to their carefully knitted response to “tell me about yourself.”
Amazon, Facebook, The Wall Street Journal, Proctor and Gamble…  leading agencies, brands and forward-thinking companies embrace our next generation through internship programs.  Your company will gain valuable insight into the next generation while benefiting from their fresh ideas, technological savviness, loyalty and professional passion.
Into the Blue Agency blends innovation, creativity and passion in everything we produce. Contact us for an inside view of our latest work and projects.