8 Social Media Mistakes that Annoy Your Audience

Social Media can be fun, but sometimes we make mistakes that annoy our audience. Here’s some things to be conscious of:

Adobe recently conducted a new study of 1,000 U.S. consumers, which outlines what, specifically, annoys them most about social media content from brands. Want to keep your social media audience happy and engaged? Avoid these common mistakes. 

  • Too Wordy or Poorly Written

39% of participants are annoyed by content that is too wordy or poorly written. You may know what you are trying to say, but poor spelling and grammar will come across as unprofessional and can damage your customer’s trust. Other studies have found that most followers don’t read more than the first 15 words, so your first sentence should be short and the most engaging. 

  •  Not Visually Appealing

28% of participants are annoyed by content that is poorly designed. Since a majority of social media thrives on stimulating visuals, it is essential to make your posts as attractive and appealing as possible. The goal is to make your followers stop scrolling and pause on your post, to increase your chances of converting these social media users into customers. 

  • Too Personal and Creepy

According to the study, a majority of consumers (82%) said they would stop purchasing from a brand if it crossed the line with a creepy personalized experience. Of course, personalization is great – however too much can come across as creepy. You don’t want your consumers to feel like you are spying on them.

  • Already Seen or Stale

23% of consumers are annoyed by content that has been seen before, or is stale. Make sure your content is new and fresh. The more a consumer sees a concept, the less impact it’ll have. If your brand is the 3rd or 4th to have shared the same piece of content, it looks lame and is regarded of lesser value.

  • Not Personalized Enough

22% of consumers are annoyed by content that is irrelevant to them. Rather than trying to appeal to everyone, it’s important to create content with an audience in mind, so that everything you publish will appeal to them in some way. Using different posts to target different niches is an ideal way to target potential customers.

  • Not Optimized for Their Device

21% of consumers are annoyed by content that isn’t optimized for their device. Considering most social media content consumption takes place on a mobile device, it is smart to focus on mobile-first creative for advertising. Ensure your content is readable and great to look at on any device.

  • No Photos or Videos

17% of consumers are annoyed by content without video or images. Your content strategy should focus not just on the text but incorporating interesting video or imagery. This is because social media platforms tend to skew greatly towards content with video or images. A post with just text or quotes is so 2015.

  • Promotes Content They’ve Already Purchased

16% of consumers are annoyed by content which promotes something they’ve already purchased. How frustrating is it to buy something only to see a coupon for said item after the fact? Save yourself some trouble, and be considerate of what kind of content you serve to both customers and those who haven’t become a customer yet. Try to avoid publishing redundant promotions to people who’ve already become a customer and can’t utilize it. 

Into the Blue has all the resources you need to help you build powerful campaigns for any goal your business has. From growing your social media, developing a website, and creating engaging content while making it accessible to all users, Into the Blue can make sure that your business is using all your resources to their fullest potential. Email [email protected] to start your project today.