Boost Your Business SEO With This Simple Addition
One of the most powerful ways to improve your business local SEO (search engine optimization) and online visibility is with one of Google’s latest features. It’s so easy to add, and the results can make all the difference to your sales. Not only can potential customers quickly see your business’ name and contact details, but they can also see photos of your business, online reviews, company description, complete a transaction (like book an appointment) and see other attention-grabbing information. Businesses can also post daily specials, promote events and even showcase new products all through their Google business page. Which is beneficial seeing how most consumers are more likely to see your posts on Google over Facebook.
Because the feature is unique to existing social media channels or blog posts, businesses may not know how to fully take advantage of the new opportunities the feature has to offer. So what is this addition you need to adapt to help give your company free exposure on Google’s search engine? It’s Google’s new feature, Google my Business (GMB) Posts, and here are 6 key uses for Google My Business posts:
1) Grab Early Adopter Attention
As they say, the early bird gets the worm, and this sentiment holds true for Google My Business Posts as well. Using the posts while it’s still new will benefit early adopters particularly in the early days of posts. If your local competitors are not adopting the Google Posts feature, and you are, it is naturally going to give you an advantage until they catch up. Also, businesses may be perceived more favorably purely for being an early adopter, and this positive brand perception could result in long-term relationships building.
2) Build Trust and Relationships
Posts should be designed to deliver laid back and friendly content, as that tends to attract a real community of highly authentic and engaged customers. It’s important for businesses to have someone on the team who understands the company and how Google My Business posts work, so that they can achieve maximum impact from the opportunities available.
3) Improve SEO
Any feature that Google releases as part of its Local Search Engine will always offer opportunities for companies to improve their SEO, and GMB Posts is no different. The Google posts feature enables the company to create more and better backlinks, present a complete picture for Google, propagate new messages, seize opportunities and adjust to data.
4) Diversify Marketing Mediums
Google My Business Posts provides a new medium for businesses to delivery content to their audience. GMB posts are a great way to expand your brand presence online and deliver content in different forms, but make sure you keep posts memorable and versatile.
5) Minimize Barriers and Maximize Customer Actions
My Business Posts is a great opportunity for businesses to effectively deliver posts by breaking down customer barriers and attracting new customers with regular GMB postings that entice them to take action now, versus later. An example of this are limited deals and coupons or similar rewards.
So how do you set up your GMB? Connect yours here: